Legal Notice
Please carefully read this website’s conditions of use before continuing to browse its pages. By using this website, you fully accept these terms and conditions.
In agreement with Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on Confidence in the Digital Economy, the website managers are:
Website editor
- ANTOFENOL SIRET number: 80279669800024
- Editor: Fanny ROLET
- 1E ZA Les Landes de Penthièvre 22640 Plestan
- Telephone: (+33) 2 96 31 28 01
- Email:
- Website:
Limited liability company with a capital of €100,000
Montpellier trade and corporate register: 441 938 222
Business activity code: 722C
Registered address: 59 rue Nelson Mandela, 34070 Montpellier, France
Creation and development
- Conception:
Agence CMS – Communications Agency from Tours - Website design and development:
G comme une idée – Communications Agency from Tours
Conditions of use:
This website is available in several web languages (HTML, HTML5, Javascript, CSS, etc.) to ensure a better user experience and more attractive graphics.
We recommend using modern browsers like Edge, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.
Antofénol uses every means at its disposal to ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date on its websites.
However, errors or omissions may occur. The user must therefore check the accuracy of the information provided by Antofénol and notify of any changes to the site that he or she deems useful. Antofénol assumes no responsibility for the use of this information and any direct or indirect harm that may arise from its use.
The websites may offer links to other sites or other resources available on the Internet. Antofénol has no way of controlling the websites linked to its websites.
Antofénol shall not be responsible for or guarantee the availability of said external sources and websites. Antofénol shall not be liable for damage of any nature resulting from the content of said external sources or websites, especially the information, products or services they offer or any use that could be made of these elements. The user browses said linked sites at his or her own risk and must comply with their terms of use.
Website users, subscribers and visitors must not create a hyperlink to this website without receiving prior express authorisation from Antofénol.
If a user or visitor would like to create a hyperlink to one of Antofénol’s websites, she or he must send an email to the address available on the website to request creating the hyperlink.
Antofénol reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink without the need to justify its reason.
Services provided:
All of the company’s activities and news are available on this website.
Antofénol endeavours to ensure that the information provided on this website is as accurate as possible. The information on this website is not exhaustive and the photos are not contractually binding.
They are provided subject to changes having been made since they were made live. Moreover, all the information on this website is provided for information purposes and may change or evolve without prior notice.
Intellectual property:
All content on this website, including but not limited to the graphics, images, texts, videos, animations, sounds, logos, GIFs and icons, as well as their formatting, belong to the company except the brands, logos or content belonging to other partner companies or authors.
All reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of these different elements is strictly forbidden without Antofénol’s written agreement. This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement under Articles L.335-2 and subsequent articles of the Intellectual Property Code. Not respecting this prohibition constitutes an infringement of copyright that may result in the perpetrator being held civilly and criminally liable. Moreover, the copied content owners may take legal action against you.
Photo credits:, unsplash, Shutterstock
Legal disputes:
These website terms of use are governed by French law. Any claim or dispute that may arise from the interpretation or the execution of them shall be referred to the courts of the region where the company’s address is registered, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction. French will be the language used to settle any disputes.